Building the Kingdom Upon Human Dignity
By Frances Forde Plude
This is a unique moment. Protests have recently occurred in countries around the world whose populations total at least 3 billion people! This action and hope have been inspired by a new generation of youth linked by a new generation of social communication tools. Leadership is coming from the ground and not from the top. There is a global sense of restless promise to shine a light on human dignity.
Major Issues
There are three major issues that are the basis of our moral and ethical challenge at this moment:
The dignity and the potential of the human person [of each person and all persons].
The injustice of inequality among people [“We are the 99%”].
The need for a moral and just society [building ‘the Kingdom’ Jesus spoke of].
Practical Realities and Strategies
These issues are not limited to certain groups only (youth, males, Christians) but apply to all.
These principles are not part of political parties; they are issues for all humans and all nations.
There have been outstanding leaders in the past (Jesus, Gandhi, Mandela, Havel), but today we need many committed individuals on the ground rather than charismatic leaders.
Social tools (mobile phone images, Facebook, Twitter) do not cause change but they can connect people who are seeking to build a just society.
Local groups are strategic; they link families and neighbors to local practical concerns.
To make change people must come forward; they must also remain committed and involved.
For a just society to emerge, corruption in all nations must decrease and be eliminated.
Humans need to work beyond an entitlement mindset to one of empowering all individuals.
Justice begins in families, in neighborhoods, in local churches, synagogues and mosques.
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
The Future of Faith, Harvey Cox, Harvard University.
Time magazine, “The Protester” as Time’s Person of the Year, Dec 26, 2011.