Communication Theology: Sample Book Titles From Asia
[Most of these volumes are published in association with the Conference of Asian Bishops and are authored or edited by Franz-Joseph Eilers. Additional book information is available at:]
Eilers, Franz-Josef, and Anh Vu Ta. Social Communication in Theological Perspective: Communication Theology, CS Prints 1. Manila: Logos Publications, 2015. pp. 117. ISBN 978-971-510-260-5. The book presents all final statements of FABC communication meetings from 1996 to 2007, including the annual meetings of Asian communication bishops (Bishops' Meet), all six BISCOMs (Bishops' Institutes for Social Communication), and special gathering of experts (Roundtables) on Communication Research, Communication and Evangelization, and Social Communication in Religious Traditions of Asia.
This new approach, backed up by known Theologians is at the center of a respective course in the Pastoral Communication Program of the Pontifical University of Santo Tomas, Manila where the publication serves as a textbook.
Eilers, Franz-Josef, and Anh Vu Ta. Social Communication Formation in Seminaries and Schools of Theology: An Investigation CS Prints 2. Manila: Logos Publications, 2015. pp. 168. ISBN 978-971-510-261-2. This ‘Investigation’ on Pastoral Communication programs of seven Seminaries or Theological Schools in Metro Manila reflects the situation and challenges for priestly formation in this field. The results are consolidated with some 230 questionnaires from participating seminarians and interviews with their ‘formators.’ They are also placed into the general teachings and requirements of the Church for priestly formation.
The study originates from the Pastoral Communication Program of the Pontifical University of Santo Tomas (UST), Manila. It should also be applicable to other places and countries in Asia.
Eilers, Franz-Josef,(Ed.). Church and Social Communication in Asia - Documents, Analysis, Experiences 2nd Edition, FABC-OSC Books volume 1. Manila: Logos Publications, 2008. pp. 232. ISBN 978-971-510-209-4. The book presents all final statements of FABC communication meetings from 1996 to 2007, including the annual meetings of Asian communication bishops (Bishops' Meet), all six BISCOMs (Bishops' Institutes for Social Communication), and special gathering of experts (Roundtables) on Communication Research, Communication and Evangelization, and Social Communication/Communication in Religious Traditions of Asia.
The 230-page volume also gives some analyses on the communication dimension of the Asian Synod (1998) and the related document "Ecclesia in Asia." The new edition also contains articles on Communication Theology, Communication Spirituality and reports on two special OSC initiatives on the academic level: the Asian Research Center for Religion and Social Communication based at St. John's University (Bangkok), and the Program on Pastoral/ Social Communication at the Graduate School and Theological Faculty of the Pontifical University of Santo Tomas (Manila).
Eilers, Franz-Josef, (Ed.). Social Communication Formation in Priestly Ministry, FABC-OSC Books volume 2. Manila: Logos Publications, 2002. pp. 160. ISBN 971-510-159-3. This book documents the inputs and final statement of the third “Bishops’ Institute for Social Communication” (BISCOM III Samphran, Thailand 2001), a first time gathering of seminary rectors, formators and Church-communication experts on a common theme. It is insightful, bringing together vast experiences of eight resource persons from Asia and U.S. The resolve is for clergy and religious to acquire skills, but more to be formed in the communicating disposition, attitude and person of Christ.